Cold Sore
Cold sores are caused by the herpes-simplex virus and anyone who has been exposed to this virus can get a cold sore.
Because of the term: “herpes” in the name of this virus, many people wrongly assume that someone with a cold sore must have had to have sexual contact with an infected person to get cold sores.
This virus can be passed from one person to another through kissing if one of them already carries the virus. However, the herpes-simplex virus can survive on a variety of surfaces such as tables, drinking glasses, telephones etc, and therefore can be passed to people in that way.
The most common way for someone to become infected with the herpes-simplex virus and then develop a cold sore or recurrent cold sores is by “touching” a surface ‘contaminated’ with the virus and then wiping their eyes or lips.
Once on the surface of the skin, it’s very easy for the virus to enter the bloodstream.
Cold sores can break out on any part of the body, but most people will develop a cold sore on or around their lips.
An “outbreak” of a cold sore is usually signaled by a slight “tingling” sensation at the site of the impending cold sore.
People that experience recurring bouts of cold sores have learned to recognize this initial “tingling” as a sign that a cold sore is working its way to the surface of the skin.
By acting fast with a home remedy, or several home remedies, you can begin the healing process sooner.
Home Remedies for Cold Sores:
You can recognize cold sores by their characteristic swollen, red, cracked, irritated, oozing appearance.
A cold sore can be cause a sufferer pain as well.
Petroleum jelly or as most of us know it: Vaseline, is one of those home remedies that you hear about in old wives tales listed along with other “natural cures” for a variety of ailments.
Vaseline does a fair a fair job of reducing the irritation of cold sores and keeping lots of Vaseline on a cold sore will help it to heal faster too.
Chap Stick:
Chap stick and lip glosses are another remedy you can have on hand at home to use as a natural cure for a cold sore.
Dispose of the chap stick or lip gloss after using for a recent cold sore to prevent causing more cold sores.
Certainly never share these with anyone or they will pick up the virus left on these surfaces.
Water is a natural cure for a cold sore and goes a long ways towards reducing future cold sores. This is because water keeps the skin “hydrated” and also helps the immune system stay strong, which many prevent cold sores from erupting as often.