Jaw Pain

It can feel like you were socked right in the face, and often comes about without any warning at all.

Jaw pain can be very painful for those who suffer from it. You may suffer from this very specific and very intricate type of pain as part of a chronic health condition.

A condition such as TMJ or TMD, (Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder) may cause you to clench your jaw while you sleep and thus result in a very constant and very awful jaw pain. If you feel as though you are having recurrent pain in this region or if it seems to be getting worse or possibly more intense, then it may be time to seek out medical attention.

Only a doctor can determine what is going on and help you to get the proper diagnosis. They can work with you on any sort of device that may help in the short term and look for longer term options.

Sometimes though you may just suffer from jaw pain for less intense reasons. You may have eaten something like a hard candy, a chewy substance, or perhaps something that was difficult to bite, and the result could be painful.

You may have sustained an injury in this part of the body, or may have even had surgery.

Whatever the reason or the cause, it’s important to know how to get relief quickly. If you look to any number of home remedies for jaw pain, it can be of great help.

Home Remedies for Jaw Pain:


It may sound silly or perhaps even too simple, but if you are looking for the perfect home remedy for jaw pain look to ice.

You want to ice the area as soon as the injury occurs or the pain sets in. It’s important to ice it early on and ice it often and this will not only help to relieve the pain, but may ensure that you don’t suffer from any swelling in the process.

Vitamin C Supplement:

This is one nutritional supplement that you should have in your life on a regular basis, and it becomes an important home remedy for jaw pain.

Here we see that Vitamin C is of great help in the healing process and can go to work very quickly and effectively on an area such as the jaw.

This is great to know and means that you should really bulk up on your Vitamin C intake when you suffer from any pain in the jaw.

Lifestyle Changes:

Sometimes the jaw may hurt due to stress, injury, or any number of related factors.

If you want to quickly work to naturally relieve jaw pain, then turn to some simple lifestyle changes such as relaxation and meditation and diet changes such as the removal of caffeine.