Menstrual Pain

Though it’s most certainly a natural and welcome part of life for most women, the menstrual cycle can be a rather difficult thing to live with. Though some women never struggle with their monthly cycle, others suffer with great pain and discomfort.

Though family history may have something to do with it, there is often no rhyme or reason as to why some women have pain and others do not. For those women who tend to suffer, they may have cramps, back pain, headaches, and even nausea.

In extreme circumstances, menstrual pain and related symptoms may even disrupt normal everyday activity.

If the pain becomes extreme or if the symptoms become unbearable, then it may be wise to seek out medical attention. A doctor can ensure that nothing more serious is going on as there may be conditions that can lead to more intense pain.

There may be medications available to provide relief from the pain and other symptoms. It can be helpful to know that there are some home remedies for menstrual pain. Many of these remedies have been around for years to help women cope with their pain and symptoms.

These are easy to integrate and may allow a woman to get back to a normal life and being.

Natural Cures for Menstrual Pain:

Apple Cider Vinegar:

We’ve seen it show up before, and this time we look to apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for menstrual pain. This works best if taken by teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Apple Cider Vinegar can work tremendously in relieving the pain and discomfort that a woman may feel; and of course it's best to take it at the first sign of pain and other related symptoms.


Though it may sound counterintuitive, eating rice before menstruation may be of great help.

The rice may actually help relieve bloating and pain that are often associated with a woman’s monthly cycle, therefore offering exactly what a woman may need during this time.

So not only can rice offer relief if pain is already being experienced, but it may work well as a preventative measure as well.


We know that peppermint can bring great relief for stomach pain and nausea, so it’s only fitting that it serve as a home remedy for menstrual pain.

Taking peppermint in natural or supplement form can help relieve any pain or discomfort associated with menstruation.

Peppermint can also ensure that the cramps don’t cause nausea, so it serves as a very effective home remedy indeed.