Stuffy Nose

A stuffy nose could indicate a cold, allergies, the flu, a sinus infection, or a momentary irritation. No matter the cause, a stuffy nose can lead to chapping, sinus pain, and sore throats caused by mucus running into your throat from your nose. Because getting a head cold is very common, a variety of natural cures have been developed over many generations to provide relief for stuffy nose sufferers. Whether you prefer to use the home remedies favored by your own mother or are adventurous and want to try new and inventive cures, there are many options to get rid of your stuffy nose.

Home Remedies for a Stuffy Nose:

Steam Your Sinuses:

In much the same way that steam will open your pores allowing any foreign substances to be easily removed, steam will also open your sinuses and allow the unhealthy mucus collecting within to release. This home remedy can be utilized in a number of ways. The easiest way is to boil a large pot of water, and after removing from the heat, lean over to expose your face to the steam. Do this for as long as the steam lasts or until you cannot tolerate the heat. You should feel your nose starting to clear within the hour! If you have access to a sauna or a steam room, sitting inside for 20-30 minutes can also work as a natural cure to help clear your sinuses.

Hot Tea, Hot Cocoa or Hot Coffee:

An alternative to steaming your sinuses is to enjoy a mug of your favorite hot drink – the steam rising from the top is the perfect home remedy to clear your nose while your favorite drink works as a psychological cure.

Chicken Noodle Soup:

Another way to use steam to clear your nose is by enjoying a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Long your grandma’s favorite cure for any ill, medical research has shown that the combinations of ingredients in chicken noodle soup, and specifically the chicken, is one of the most effective natural cures to symptoms of the common cold, including your stuffy nose.


Your eyes and nose water every time you peel an onion, right? Turn this minor annoyance into a natural cure by peeling an onion and the mucus clogging your nose will soon disappear. Other smells that can produce the same result include menthol, hot peppers and garlic.

Work Out:

Sweating impurities from your body isn’t simply an old wives tail but is one of the most effective home remedies for getting rid of common ailments like your stuffy nose. Cardiovascular exercise helps to stimulate better circulation and better oxygenation of the blood. At the center of your breathing, your will benefit by purging the mucus causing your stuffy nose.