Suppress Appetite

There are many natural ways to suppress your appetite and surprisingly many of them include eating the right foods.

There are two main things to remember that reduces hunger and cravings. Those two words are water and fiber. Often we think we are hungry and eat, when what we really are is thirsty.

It is important to drink water throughout the day and anytime you think you are hungry, drink a little more water and then wait for a bit to see if the hunger pains go away.

It is also important that you add foods to your diet that are high in fiber. This will not only help you feel full, but the fiber and the extra water you drink will help flush out your system.

A high fiber diet can also help reduce cholesterol and heart disease. Foods high in fiber include many fruits like raspberries, bananas, apples with the skin on, whole grains in cereal and pasta, brown rice, lentils and black beans, artichokes, peas, and more.

Natural Remedies to Suppress Your Appetite:


Apples are not only high in fiber, but they are also anti-inflammatory and because they require a lot of chewing before you swallow, your body will feel less hungry.

Pine Nuts:

Pine nuts will help curb your hunger as they contain pinolenic acid, a natural appetite suppressant. Pine nuts also contain more protein than any other type of nut or seed. They also have polyunsaturated fat that will enhance your feeling of fullness.

Flaxseed Oil:

Use flaxseed oil for cooking and as an additive to your food. As a great source of omega-3s, an ounce of flaxseed oil also provides eight grams of fiber. Add the oil to salads, sprinkle on vegetables, or use in place of other cooking oil.

The best of all worlds is a salad that contains apples, pine nuts, flaxseed oil, and greens like cabbage, spinach, and endive. Eat the salad before lunch and dinner and the result will be a feeling of fullness that helps naturally reduce your appetite for other foods.

Green Tea Extract:

The supplement green tea extract comes in pill form and can be taken throughout the day to help suppress and lower your appetite. They won’t completely eliminate hunger but will help you have some control. Drink a warm glass of green tea before meals will also help.