Swimmer’s Ear

Those that enjoy swimming are not the only ones that can suffer from that painful ache in the ear. There are a number of home remedies for swimmer’s ear that can be effective. While prevention is always the best medicine for this condition, once you have it, knowing what to do is even more important.

Swimmer’s ear is caused by bacteria that get into the ear. It is called otitis exterma, medically. The bacteria get into the ear when the inside of the ear is moist. The more moisture that enters, the more often, the more likely this condition is to happen. The skin within the ear gets macerated and leathery, becoming uncomfortable. Then, the individual may attempt to dry it by using a swab. This then pulls off a thin layer of skin and the protective bacteria in your ear that are fighting of the bad. In short, the bad bacteria win the fight, then.

The first sign of swimmer’s ear is an itch deep within the ear. It will become an infection at this point. Then, there is likely to be a great amount of pain in the ear. If it gets to this point, antibiotics are almost always needed. Fever, chills and pain in the neck and jaw are also common at this point.

Home Remedies for Swimmer’s Ear:

Air Drying:

The best benefit to the ear will be keeping them dry. Swimmers should use ear plugs as often as possible to prevent bacteria from entering the ear continuously. When one is showering or washing, dry the ear as well as possible. In addition, you can aim a hair dryer into the ear canal (not too hot!) to dry the inner ear. This can help to prevent the moisture from ending up in an infection.


Adding a warm towel to the ear can also help. The warmth is a natural cure for the pain that the swimmer’s ear is causing. It will not heal the problem, but will help to minimize the pain.

Rubbing Alcohol:

Natural cures that can help to get rid of swimmer’s ear include rubbing alcohol. Because it can help to kill the bacteria that are causing the pain, you can use it at the first sign of an itchy ear. Here, place a dropper full of rubbing alcohol into the ear canal. Wait a few seconds and flip the head over to allow the alcohol to come out. Be careful not to get it into the eyes.


Vinegar is another natural cure for swimmer’s ear as it will kill the bacteria in your ear easily. This home remedy should be considered at the first signs of itching. If there is an extreme amount of pain, only antibiotics will help. When using this home remedy, follow the same instructions as that of rubbing alcohol.