
Many people don’t really give much thought to their appendix as it serves no substantial purpose. However if one develops a serious appendicitis, it can become a real problem and may even cause death.

In this disorder, the appendix can become inflamed and if left untreated may cause severe health problems or even death in the most extreme circumstances.

It is highly recommended that if an individual suffers from any symptoms they believe may be an appendicitis attack, they seek medical attention immediately. Though it is not always a certainty the appendix will burst in this scenario, it is definitely a possibility.

People may suffer from stomach pain or discomfort, but if this prolongs or is located in the area of the appendix with sharp pains it is essential to get medical attention immediately. A doctor can help to properly diagnose the problem, provide any necessary medications, or to rule out the possibility of appendicitis.

If somehow the case is a bit less severe, then there may be some course of treatment to help. The good news is there are some rather effective home remedies for appendicitis.

If the symptoms are bothersome, there are some natural cures that can act as a great help in getting rid of them and allowing you to get back to normal.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis:

Beet, Cucumber, and Carrot Juice:

The natural and raw juices of these three vegetables can serve as an excellent natural cure.

Squeezing out just the juice of beets, cucumber and carrots and then mixing them altogether creates a powerful home remedy for appendicitis.

This should be consumed 1-2 times a day as the symptoms persist and can provide quick relief for the individual suffering from any associated problems.


This is an excellent herb that works as a natural cure for so many conditions, and it is one of the most recommended home remedies for appendicitis.

Here either boiling and eating the fenugreek seed or more effectively creating a tea out of this herb works to get rid of any symptoms associated with appendicitis.

This is highly recommended and will get the results individuals are after.

Ginger and Turmeric:

Combining these two spices and herbs make for one powerful natural cure.

These two work together in conjunction to get rid of any inflammation that may be associated with appendicitis and act as the source of the actual pain.

Therefore ensuring that you include both herbs in your diet each and every day can work as a great home remedy for appendicitis and get rid of the symptoms quickly.