Burn on Skin

A pot of hot liquid on the stovetop overturns, a spark jumps from the fireplace, launched fireworks make a wrong landing, an accidental touching of the insides of the oven while removing baked foods, bath water that is much hotter than expected, and so on.

Burns happen fast and can cause extensive skin damage in mere seconds

Burns are classified in ‘degrees’ based on their severity, (total area of burn, layers of skin involved, extent of damage to those layers of skin) that occurs with a burn.

Those degrees used to “classify” burns are: 1st degree, 2nd degree, or 3rd degree.

Third-degree burns are the most severe and require immediate medical intervention.

Second-degree burns can be safely treated at home using any number of home remedies for burns provided that the burn is monitored for signs of infection.

Fever and vomiting are signs of infection and you should consult your family doctor if you develop these after receiving a burn.

You can safely treat first-degree burns with a home remedy for the relief and recovery from a burn.

Home Remedies for Burns:

Water and Ice:

Of all of the home remedies that are intended to be natural cures for burns, this one should be at the top of your home remedy list.

You should run cool water over a burn as soon as possible after getting a burn. Doing so can keep a 1st degree burn from progressing into a 2nd degree burn and offers immediate pain-relief from burns.

For burns on the hands, lower leg, or feet: put ice and water in a container, wrap the affected limb in a towel (to protect from freeze-burns) and place the affected area in the icy-water for as long as you can stand to.

Alternate between putting your hand or foot, ‘in’ and ‘out’ of the ice-water for a natural cure to burns. Continue until the pain of the burn stops.


Toothpaste naturally cures more than just “plaque” and “tarter” on teeth. Toothpaste applied directly to a burn can naturally cure the pain of a burn and can also keep the skin from blistering.

You should use toothpaste that is a “paste”, not gel or liquid toothpastes.

Coat the burn with a generous amount of toothpaste and allow it to remain on the burn for 24 hours.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is a type of plant and a very good home remedy for burns, scrapes, and scratches.

Aloe Vera can be put right on a burn and is a quick, soothing, natural-cure for burns.

Simply break-open an aloe vera leaf and “rub” the gel-like aloe vera over the burn.