
Phlegm is something we all have and at times it can cause issues that people may not address. Phlegm is a thick substance that is found in your throat, secreted by the mucous membranes. You might notice it most when you are sick and not feeling well but phlegm is always there.

Are you someone that is always clearing your throat or coughing? Maybe you know someone who does this? It could be caused by phlegm.

If you find yourself with an uncomfortable feeling in your throat where it feels like something is constantly draining from the back of your throat or your throat is feeling clogged, you might be experiencing excessive mucus causing congestion.

If you experience this it could be the result of post nasal drip, cold or flu, sinusitis, nasal infections, or an allergic reaction.

The symptoms can vary and can be embarrassing but can also strain the vocal cords and may cause hoarseness. This can also impact the sound and strength of your voice.

Home Remedies for Phlegm

Unless you are experiencing an extreme case of phlegm, most often this can be taken care of without doctor intervention.

Inhaling Steam

Inhaling steam through the nasal passages is an inexpensive and simple way to eliminate phlegm.

One way to accomplish this is to boil a large pot of water and place it on a surface that can withstand the heat. Don’t fill the pot so full of water you can’t safely move it to a surface where you can sit.

  1. Get a towel and cover your head so no steam can escape out the sides of the towel.
  2. Keeping your face a safe distance from the pot and hot steam, take a deep breath and inhale the steam.
  3. Do this for about 10 minutes up to three times a day.

You may also want to add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to help loosen mucus.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Drinking plenty of liquids and staying hydrated can help loosen phlegm and soothe an irritated throat. Warm liquids such as clear broths, herbal teas and a cup of warm honey lemonade can also ease symptoms and water is essential as well.

Warm Honey Lemonade

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, they are antibacterial and they can help keep you hydrated.

In a saucepan warm 2 cups water on the stove. Stir in 3 Tablespoons honey and the juice from one lemon.

Warm Ginger Tea

Bring 4 cups water to a boil. Peel and slice 2 inches of fresh ginger and add to boiling water, reduce heat, cover the pan then simmer for 15 minutes. Pour into a cup and optionally add fresh squeezed lemon and/or honey to taste.

Note: Try to avoid milk and other dairy products. Milk will not produce more phlegm, but it can cause phlegm to become thicker.

Other Options:

  • Try to avoid smoking and secondhand smoke.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  • Cough if you have to and spit to get rid of phlegm.
  • Gargle with salt water.
  • Gently blowing your nose.

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