Decrease Appetite

Many people who are trying to loose weight want to decrease their appetite, which means they would have a reduced desire to eat.

Many of the natural remedies to decrease your appetite also have a lot to do with basic health and mental happiness.

These include getting plenty of natural sunlight on your skin (don’t forget the sun block), staying hydrated by regularly drinking large amounts of water, avoiding refined carbohydrates and sugars so you don’t have sugar highs and lows, and finally getting plenty of fiber in your diet.

Natural Remedies to Decrease Appetite:


You know this, but it can be hard to believe when you are hungry. Water is a powerful appetite suppressant. Drink an 8-ounce glass of water when you first start feeling hungry.

That is the key; don’t wait until you have severe, mow through the cupboards hunger, but drink the water when you first feel hungry. In nearly every case you’ll find it helps to suppress your appetite within about 10 minutes.

Add Dietary Fiber:

One of the best ways to decrease your appetite is to add fiber to your diet. Adding fiber means that you will feel full, eat fewer calories, and the fiber helps your body eliminate waste which also adds to losing weight.

Most Americans only get 10 grams of fiber a day, the US government recommendations for fiber intake is 25 grams. This is still lower than what many health care professionals recommend, which is 40 grams per day.

Try to have 20 grams of protein with each meal, and spread out the fiber during the day.

Figure out the fiber content of some of your favorite healthy foods and make a plan for each day that gets you to 40 grams of fiber.

For instance a can of black beans has 25 grams of fiber. Each apple that you eat has 5 grams, a serving of shredded wheat has 6 grams, a serving of almonds has 4, etc.

Drink Organic Chicken or Vegetable Broth:

Make sure you get organic vegetable or chicken broth that is free of excitotoxins. These ingredients can cause neurological disorders because they overexcite and harm nerve cells.

Excitotoxins include MSG, yeast extract, autolyzed yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, and similar ingredients. Warm up the broth and have at it. If you drink a quart of this broth it is less than 20 calories and you will definitely feel full.