Estrogen Loss

For women, there are so many different functions that estrogen is involved with. You may not realize the magnitude of it until you have to actually deal with estrogen loss.

This may occur as a natural function in life such as in the case of menopause, or it may come about due to other factors.

Having cancer for example can attribute to some level of estrogen loss and this can be rather extreme in nature. No matter how intense the estrogen loss is, it’s quite important to be sure that you get back some of the functionality that has been robbed from your body.

As estrogen helps to control overall hormone levels and something as simple and fundamental as moods, you can quickly see that maintaining proper levels is essential.

It’s important to talk to a doctor and therefore seek medical attention if you feel you are suffering from any level of estrogen loss.

This may be a very common occurrence later in life, or it may be attributed to or even expected as a result of something more serious. No matter what the cause, a doctor is the one that can truly get into the details and help to define a treatment plan that is appropriate for you.

Along with or as part of that treatment plan, it’s good to know that there are some excellent home remedies for estrogen loss.

In many instances, these are rather simple to execute and may just involve some simple modifications.

Home Remedies for Estrogen Loss:


Those who have suffered with this problem can tell you that eating soy based foods can bring about great relief from the associated symptoms.

Therefore turning to soy as a home remedy for estrogen loss can work wonders.

Eating foods rich in soy such as meat substitutes, soy nuts, and of course tofu can act as excellent sources.

Adding in a supplement that is rich in soy may help to add and contribute to proper levels.

Black Cohosh Herbal Supplement:

This particular herb not only helps with menstrual symptoms, but may be looked to as a home remedy for estrogen loss.

Taking this supplement on a daily basis if you are suffering from any level of such loss is an excellent way to boost up the production and get back to normalcy.

Fruits and Vegetables:

Believe it or not, there are a number of different fruits and vegetables that have high levels of estrogen in them. Though you should already be including these in your healthy diet, there are some that stand out as excellent home remedies for estrogen loss.

Eating foods such as alfalfa sprouts, flaxseed, cucumber, green beans, and apples have natural estrogen content and are loaded with vitamins and nutrients which can provide further help to the problem.