Excessive Gas

Though excessive gas may provoke laughter and be a source of humor for some, excessive gas can be quite debilitating for those who suffer from it and a rather frustrating and honest health problem.

Though the most common cause of this condition is too much swallowed air, it can come about due to a number of other factors as well.

Having some sort of gastrointestinal problems can be one cause of the problem, or it may be due to eating certain types of foods.

Whatever the cause of the problem, it can create a very serious social discomfort and embarrassment if it can’t be helped, it’s important to somehow get it under control.

No matter how extreme the buildup of gas is, it’s important to find a manner in which to control the problem and bring it to a close.

Therefore if excessive gas seems to be a recurring problem or one that plagues you all the time, it may be time to seek medical attention.

As certain allergies to specific foods or other health conditions may cause or contribute to the likeliness of gas, it’s important to have a doctor provide the necessary evaluation.

Before you get to that point however, it can be helpful to rely on some tried and true home remedies for excessive gas that can bring great relief.

Natural Cures for Excessive Gas:


As ginger is settling to the stomach on so many levels, it can provide great relief from this problem.

Eating raw ginger is the most effective way to curb this and is therefore an excellent home remedy for excessive gas.

If you feel that you can’t get proper levels consumed, then it may be helpful to turn to a ginger supplement for the very best effects.

Dill Oil and Honey:

It may sound like a ghastly combination, but mixing a drop of dill oil with honey creates an excellent home remedy for excessive gas.

This goes to work right away and should therefore be taken after each meal for the most effective and quickest relief.

This may not be the most delicious combination, but it will go to work on the problem and help you to get back to normal.

Change in Eating Habits:

Though it may sound too good to be true, there are some simple modifications that you can make to your life that can provide relief.

Eating slower and eating less at one sitting can work well as natural cures for excessive gas.

Additionally staying away from foods that can actually cause gas such as high fat foods and certain vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli can be of great help.