
It may strike out of nowhere and all of a sudden you feel as though your vision is constantly impaired.

You may have even had good vision your whole life, but glaucoma can tend to rob you of that. It’s very scary for those who suffer from it because it is said to suddenly take away part or even all of your vision.

This tends to be a very scary and very real definition of glaucoma, and therefore treatment and of course diagnosis is important.

Glaucoma covers an array of eye disorders where there is damage to the optic nerve. This can result in many different symptoms, but the most obvious and recognizable is the loss of vision of sorts.

Though this is quite common in the elderly, it may strike at anytime. It may come about due to an actual injury, as a result of family injury, or may develop on its own.

It’s quite important to seek medical attention not only for a proper diagnosis and related tests, but also for appropriate treatment.

Glaucoma is a condition that requires constant monitoring, especially if the vision may falter or get worse before it gets better.

Therefore keeping tuned into the symptoms and any more dramatic loss of vision is an important part of dealing with this disorder.

Along with any medications, drops or treatments that your doctor may prescribe, you may find some helpful home remedies for glaucoma that help you to cope with it and lessen the effects of it.

Home Remedies for Glaucoma:

Vitamin C Supplement:

You always knew it was good for you, but you may not have known why.

Vitamin C is one of the best nutrients when it comes to your vision overall, and therefore it only makes sense that it works as a home remedy for glaucoma.

This helps to naturally improve upon the vision and helps to heal any loss that the person may experience.

Taking it in supplement form is a surefire way to ensure you get proper levels consumed.

Bilberry Supplement:

This is best taken in a supplement form as that’s the most common and well known application of this specific type of berry.

Taking bilberry on a daily basis can work well as a home remedy for glaucoma.

It’s important that the person suffering take this early on and be diligent in taking it on a regular basis.


We know that blueberries are delicious, but few know that they have natural healing powers when it comes to vision.

The antioxidants contained within blueberries can help to ensure that vision is restored and that the person can heal from this condition in a more natural manner.