Menopausal Problems

Menopause is a challenging and liberating experience that every woman will pass through in their lives.

Some will cope better than others with the many changes that take place during this time, but rest assured that there are plenty of natural cures and home remedies that can help to alleviate the stress and strain of menopausal problems.

Symptoms of menopause include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Increased urination
  • Insomnia
  • Feelings of depression
  • Mood swings

Natural Cures for Menopausal Problems

There is a long list of natural cures that can help women deal with menopause.

If you are interested in finding out how to get rid of menopausal problems by using a natural cure, look no further than your diet and lifestyle.

There are many things we can eat and do on a daily basis for better physical and mental well-being during menopause.

Black Cohosh

This herb has a wonderful cooling effect on the body and can help to eliminate hot flashes.

Take 20 mg a day to help stop frequently rising body temperatures.


The estrogen enhancing properties of soy products are well-known to aid in soothing the symptoms of menopause.

Aim to eat soy at least a few times a week in the form of tofu, soy milk or soy protein.


Getting the correct dairy intake is an important home remedy for menopausal problems.

Calcium is vital to protect bone density, as loss of density can lead to fractures, aches and sprains.

Eat plenty of low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese and drink low-fat milk.

Avoid Spice and Alcohol

Dealing with hot flashes and night sweats is not easy, so to reduce any chances of triggering these symptoms, cut out spicy foods and alcohol from the diet.


Exercise is a well-known home remedy for the symptoms of menopause as it promotes physical and mental health, and is a great stress-buster.

It is recommended that 30 minutes of heart-rate increasing activity is done 3 days a week for noticeable benefits.

Try walking, swimming or yoga for a relaxing way to fight menopausal problems.

Dress Light

The key to dealing with menopause is to be prepared and try to foresee potential “symptom triggers”, especially when it comes to hot flashes.

Dress lightly then layer clothes over so that you are prepared for all temperatures that your body may experience.

Find Like-minded People

Depression and feelings of anxiety can accompany menopause so it is important to find a venue in which you can discuss any concerns, feeling or questions that you may have.

Get together with friends that are experiencing menopause, or join an online forum where you can chat to others.