
Scarring can be physically and emotionally traumatic for those who have them on their body.

Although they are a sign that the body has recovered from an injury or trauma, they can leave one feeling insecure about the appearance of them, especially in visible areas.

Many people wonder how to remove scarring on their skin using natural cures or home remedies as they do not want the side effects or cost associated with medical treatments such as laser surgery or dermabrasion.

There are many natural cures to choose from that are safe and effective.

Causes of Scarring:

Scarring on the body is caused when an injury or trauma to the skin has been experienced.

The scars that result is the body’s way of defending a wound against further trauma or infection, and what results is a thicker skin that has less elasticity to it.

The majority of scars are caused by:

  • Burns
  • Acne
  • Surgical procedures (anything where the skin is opened will leave a scar from breast augmentation to appendix removal)
  • Illness where lesions or boils are produced on the skin and they are picked (chicken pox)
  • Pregnancy (C-sections, episiotomies and stretch marks will all leave scars)

Symptoms of Scarring:

A scar will not be evident until a wound has healed completely.

There will first appear a red or pink patch which may be sore to the touch, and then as the skin heals further it will eventually fade and become painless.

Those who have scarring; on the majority of the body (usually from burns), will usually have to undergo skin grafting to aid in the healing process.

Natural Cures for Scarring:

Cucumber Juice:

Create a paste from a blended cucumber and apply to the burn for 15 minutes daily.

This is a home remedy that can fade scars in 3-4 weeks with daily use.

Ice cubes:

A natural cure for acne scarring that will reduce the appearance of raised skin is to rub ice cubes all over the face after the skin has been cleansed.

This acts as a toner and a pore reducer to help the skin have a smoother look.

Sandalwood and Rosewater Mask:

Combine sandalwood and rosewater paste to form a ‘mask’ that can be smoothed onto scarred skin.

Use this home remedy at night before bed, cover with a bandage or cloth and leave it on overnight.

Do this daily until the scar fades away.


Dissolve 2 tablets of aspirin in warm water to make a paste.

Apply this to the scarring and leave on until it has dried. Wash off with warm water.

This natural cure needs to be done every day for best results.