
Tonsillitis is a very painful condition in which the tonsils—the two “lumps” on either side of the back of the throat—become infected, and, as a result, very inflamed, sore and tender. Some people (often children, but not always) are inflicted with cases of chronic tonsillitis, in which the tonsils become enlarged and suffer repeated infections.

Tonsillitis can also create many other symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, body aches, pains, weakness and chills, as well as difficulty swallowing.

Tonsillitis is generally treated with antibiotics, particularly for first-time infections, as well as for second or third attacks. However, adults and children who suffer repeated attacks and chronic tonsillitis often have their tonsils removed.

But what about home remedies to get rid of tonsillitis? Many people are interested in treating their tonsillitis naturally, with natural cures, instead of relying on antibiotics, which can create a whole host of other problems. Also, you may want to consider a home remedy to remove tonsillitis if you’re close to having your tonsils removed but you’d rather not go through that kind of operation.

Home Remedies for Tonsillitis:

Diet and Exercise:

Honestly, diet and exercise can be used as home remedies for almost any ailment, condition or disease, but is often overlooked. Even with tonsillitis, diet and exercise are fantastic natural cures. For diet, first fast for three to five days having nothing about water and orange juice; then do a three-to-four-day all-fruit diet; then slowly incorporate a balanced diet, avoiding spices, condiments, sour foods and fried foods.

Daily breathing exercises and cardiovascular exercise will also help.

Cold/Ice Pack:

Apply a cold pack or ice pack to directly on your throat, where you feel the pain, for immediate relief from your tonsillitis and infected tonsils’ symptoms.

Hot Epsom Salts Baths:

Taking a hot Epsom salts bath is a great natural cure for tonsillitis. Every day or every other day will be very helpful.


Milk does a body good, and it can also be used to fight off tonsillitis, believe it or not. However, simply drinking regular cold milk won’t do. Make a concoction of boiled milk mixed with a dash of pepper powder and turmeric powder, and drink every night before bedtime for three nights in a row.


Lime can also be used as a home remedy for treating tonsillitis. Using a fresh lime, squeeze its juices into a glass of warm water. Add a quarter of a teaspoon of regular salt and four teaspoons of honey, and sip slowly.

Vegetable Juices:

Try vegetable juices to get rid of tonsillitis and its symptoms. Many vegetable juices are beneficial on their own, but a particular blend that is very helpful for fighting off tonsillitis infections is as follows: 300 ml of carrot juice mixed with 100 ml each of cucumber juice and beet juice.

Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek seeds are a great home remedy for so many different conditions. To combat tonsillitis, you can make a gargle using two tablespoons of the seeds that have simmered in a liter of boiling water for about 30 minutes, and then cooled. Use on the same day.