
A toothache occurs when there is a cavity or infection in a tooth. It can also be caused by problems with the gums and may appear as a phantom-type pain related to a sinus condition.

Toothaches can cause a great deal of pain and make exposure to hot and cold foods quite uncomfortable. When toothache pain is particularly troublesome, chewing can become labored.

In addition, a toothache that involves infection can lead to problems in other parts of the body if the infection spreads.

Dental intervention may be required for toothaches that are particularly severe. Treating the infection, filling the cavity or removing the tooth can work to get rid of toothache pain.

There are also home remedies and natural cures that can eliminate toothache pain or lessen it for a time.

Natural Cures for a Toothache

How to remove toothache pain can often be answered by home remedy and natural cure options.

The choices include herbal treatments, over-the-counter remedies and other aids such as:

Solid Dental Hygiene

The best home remedy for a toothache is to avoid problems that cause them in the first place. Solid dental hygiene that includes two-daily brushings and flossing can go a long way in preventing cavities, plaque buildup and gum disease.

Make sure to keep up on routine dental checkups for oral exams – once if not twice a year.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Another way to avoid getting toothaches is to eat a healthy diet. This is yet another way to keep teeth clean, strong and healthy. Eat foods and drink beverages with low sugar content and avoiding the things with added sugars.

What are some foods good for teeth? Leafy greens, carrots, fiber rich fruits and vegetables, cheese, milk, yogurt (plain), salmon, green tea,

Over-The-Counter Pain Reliever

Aspirin, ibuprofen, numbing gel and even temporary cavity fillers can work as solid home remedy options when toothache pain is unbearable and you can’t get in to see the dentist right away.

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can also assist with swelling associated with infection or gum disease. If toothache pain is suspected to be associated with sinus conditions, products that relieve congestion can be helpful.

If you are taking other medications and are unsure what OTC medication to take, ask the pharmacist.


Garlic has natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help kill bacteria that may be the underlying cause of soreness with a toothache.

This natural cure calls for chewing fresh garlic or placing a peeled clove directly on the impacted tooth which may help with inflammation.

If you happen to be allergic to garlic, avoid this method.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Rinsing with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water can be an effective way to help a toothache. Use regular 3 percent hydrogen peroxide mixed with equal part water.

Swish around your mouth for about 30 seconds then spit out and repeat. Do not swallow and do not try this method with children.