Acid Indigestion
Though it may not seem like a serious health problem, acid indigestion can be frustrating and debilitating.
For those that suffer from this all too common health condition, even the simple act of eating can cause serious distress. There are certain conditions that can contribute to the likelihood of acid indigestion including pregnancy, obesity, or even stress.
This condition may set in rather suddenly or may be related to stomach issues that cause this pain and upset on an ongoing basis.
Whatever the cause or however severe the case is, acid indigestion can be painful and frustrating.
Those who suffer from this condition may not seek medical attention until it becomes frequent in nature or terribly painful. Acid indigestion is a condition that may come on after eating too large of a meal, and using a simple over-the-counter medication may help to relieve it.
With the pain and burning that this condition is known for, some that experience this on a more regular basis may seek medical attention and perhaps get on some sort of medication. There are some medications that can be quite helpful, but it’s important to take it before eating.
In some instances simply avoiding certain foods such as caffeine and spicy foods may help to relieve it, but in other instances it may require more immediate attention.
Thankfully there are some well known home remedies for acid indigestion that can prove to be quite helpful.
Home Remedies for Acid Indigestion:
Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar:
These two ingredients show up with natural healing properties quite often, and here we see them again.
In this instance, taking a glass of water with fresh lemon juice and apple cider vinegar can act as an excellent home remedy for acid indigestion and prevent it from hitting hard.
Drink this before a meal and it is sure to provide relief from the onset of symptoms.
Ginger Tea:
Ginger helps with so many different stomach problems, so it’s not a surprise that it can act as a home remedy for acid indigestion.
Drinking a cup of this after a meal can be quite helpful with digestion and can therefore prevent the typical pain and burning that is known to be a part of this condition.
Baking Soda:
If you are suffering from the symptoms, then you can look to baking soda as an excellent natural cure for acid indigestion.
Dissolve some baking soda into a glass of water and then drink it down if you are starting to experience any of the symptoms.
This can help to bring much needed relief.