Spider Bite

A spider bite can be annoying or dangerous. All spiders are venomous but most have venom that is not strong enough to be dangerous to humans.

This venom can cause pain and swelling, or an allergic reaction. Many spider bites are just annoying and not really critical.

For the most part they will itch or swell a little bit, or you may have an allergic reaction to the bite which produces swelling, redness, pain, itching, and an increase in severity of symptoms over 24 hours.

Severe reactions can include shortness of breath or wheezing, hives, and overall weakness. Make sure that you try to identify the type of spider that bit you and if the symptoms increase, call a doctor.

Some spider bites should be treated at the hospital immediately. Spider bites from ones like the Brown Recluse should not be treated at home until after you’ve been seen by a doctor and that should happen right away.

Natural Remedies for a Spider Bite:

Initial Treatment:

If you see a bite or you suspect one, the first step is to wash the area with water and mild soap with a clean, soft cloth. Washing the site will help disinfect it, you can also use hydrogen peroxide as an effective antiseptic for any insect bite.

Next apply ice or a cool compress. Make sure and elevate the area of the body where you have been bitten if possible. This will slow the spread of spider venom into the bloodstream.


To neutralize poison and stop any itching you can soak an aspirin tablet in water until it creates a paste. Uncoated aspirin works best for this. Apply the paste to your spider bite and leave it on. You can cover loosely with plastic wrap to keep the paste on. This will often alleviate itching within half an hour.

Baking Soda:

A great topical paste for speeding up healing of the spider bite, baking soda can be used once the pain and itching have been dealt with. Mix three parts of baking soda with one part of water and apply to the bite. You should see changes to the bite within a couple days depending on the severity of the bite.

Calamine Lotion:

Cover the spider bite with calamine lotion to treat the itch and reduce redness.

Dried Basil:

Used to reduce itching of the spider bite, dried basil can be rubbed on the bite until it turns to tiny pieces the consistency of sand. Just use a pinch and rub the basil on the bite with your fingers. This will also help with swelling.

Turmeric and Olive Oil:

Mix turmeric in olive oil to make a thick paste. This paste can be applied to the spider bite to reduce swelling and redness. Use the mixture two to three times during a seven day period to help release toxins from the spider bite. This concoction will also help relieve pain.

Prevent Spiders from Getting In:

This isn’t for the bite, but to help prevent spiders from entering your house in the first place so they won’t bite you at home. Spray WD-40 on windowsills, door frames, and screens to help keep spiders out of the house.