
Strains are when you injure your muscles or tendons by tearing the muscle fiber because of overextending or stretching.

This type of injury is also referred to as a pulled muscle.

If this injury occurs in a ligament instead of a muscle it is called a sprain.

If you think you have strained a muscle, the typical symptoms include having localized pain, muscle stiffness or spasms, inflammation, discoloration or bruising around the area.

If it is in the leg, discoloration may occur around the ankle or foot as the internal bleeding from the injury can pool in this area.

Natural Remedies for Strains

Getting a strain is not restricted to athletes, this type of injury can occur while doing everyday activities. It is common when you slip on the ice, fall on your wrist, or do something repetitive like vacuuming.

Typical sites on the body that are prone to getting strained are your hamstrings and lower back. If you have a strain the best treatment is to rest the area, elevate it if you can, and use ice and compression bandaging.

While mild strains and sprains can be treated at home, severe ones may require surgery to repair torn ligaments, muscles, or tendons. If it doesn’t appear to improve over several days or even weeks then you need to seek medical attention.


This homeopathic remedy can help heal the area from the inside out. Arnica has very strong anti-inflammatory properties and promotes tissue healing. It can be found in homeopathic oral supplements and in ointments or lotions that can be rubbed on the area.

Filipendula Almaria:

Used for centuries by herbalists, Filipendula Almaria works to treat pain and inflammation much as an aspirin would.

Ointments and Rubs:

You may find ointments and rubs with one active ingredient or several. We mentioned Arnica above, which will also show up in topical treatments that have multiple ingredients. Other effective ingredients for these rubs include Meadowsweet, Magnesium Phosphoricum, and Symphytum Officinale.

Oil of clove can be found in combination with other items or used on its own. Red Tiger Balm is one prepared natural ointment that works well.

Flax Seed Oil:

Flax Seed oil offers high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which are a proven natural anti-inflammatory. You can take a teaspoon of flax seed oil twice a day for pain caused by having a strain.


Garlic also offers effective anti-inflammatory treatment. This property is why it is commonly recommended in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. You can take garlic in supplemental form or eat it in food.

Pepper Liniment:

Create a great analgesic liniment by frying a tablespoon of pepper powder in sesame oil until it appears charred. Cool so it won’t burn the skin, before applying.